Admission Process » Application Process

Application Process

Apply to GHCDS

Apply to GHCDS

The admissions team looks forward to getting to know you and your family through our application process. To begin your child’s journey with Good Hope Country Day School,  please click here to complete our online application.

If you have any questions while going through the application process, feel free to contact the admissions office at [email protected]


Application Steps

1. Submit Admissions Application
Applications for the 2024-2025 school year are open!  
Please fill out the online application form and pay the $25 application fee for each applicant.

2. Request Teacher Recommendation Letters
As part of the application process, Good Hope Country Day School requires a letter of recommendation from your child’s current teacher. If your child is a middle or upper level student we will need letters of recommendation from their English and Math teachers. Letters of recommendation will need to be uploaded to your child’s online application or emailed to [email protected]
3. Submit School Records
Please request your child’s most recent  school records. Records will need to be uploaded to your child’s online application.

4. Schedule Student Visit Day
Contact the Office of Admissions at [email protected] to schedule your child’s visit. 

Photos courtesy of Lindsay Kammerzelt Photography.