Chasing Shadows: ELC Panthers Explore the Science of Light & Shadows!

This week, our Panther Cubs in the Early Learning Center embarked on a bright and exciting exploration of the science behind light and shadows!

With the sun shining high, Ms. Lake led the young scientists on an outdoor adventure, where they discovered how light travels in straight lines and creates shadows when an object blocks its path. The students experimented with their own bodies, forming fun shapes on the playground and observing how their shadows stretched, moved, and even disappeared depending on the position of the sun.

They explored questions like:

  • Why do shadows change size throughout the day?
  • What happens when we move closer or farther from a light source?
  • Can we make shadows indoors with flashlights?

And of course, nothing was more exciting than the simple joy of chasing their own shadows—a perfect blend of science, movement, and fun!

By playing with light and shadows, our Panther Cubs took their first steps into understanding concepts like transparency, opacity, and reflection—laying the foundation for deeper scientific inquiry in the future. What a brilliant way to learn!